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Buku algoritma pemrograman smk

perekonomian warga negara berdasarkan pancasila. Karya ilmiah berupa penelitian atau makalah yang dibuat dalam bentuk artikel berkaitan dengan

buku algoritma pemrograman smk

Jurnal Rontal Keilmuan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan STKIP PGRI Tulungagung | ISSN : 26139820 | PISSN : S5 Publication costs for previous journals ranged from Rp. Printing costs, publication, and delivery of handayani journals to the return address are adjusted to the cost of publishing after publication. The process of reviewing, publishing online journals in Open Journal System (OJS) in the journal website, and Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is funded by the State University of Medan. JURNAL HANDAYANI PGSD FIP UNIMED Universitas Negeri Medan | ISSN : 24076295 | PISSN : 24076295 S5Īgenda Journal Handayani became important role for PGSD FIP UNIMED, in encouraging harmonious educational innovations that can provide answers to various issues of regional, national and process and journal submission are free.

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